Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May's Done Already?!

I'm not really sure where the time is going.  Drew will be back before I know it if the months keep flying by this quickly.  I think the trick is to stay really, really busy.  And that's certainly what I'm trying to do!  There's just so much wonderful stuff going on that I don't want to miss out on while I'm in the area.  So I'm trying to take advantage of it all.

Last week my dear friend from college, Sarah, graduated from Cal State Northridge with her Masters in Special Education.  I was lucky enough to be able to go to the graduation and cheer her on with her wonderful family.  I am so proud of her and know that she will touch so many little lives in such a special way.  Congrats, Sarah!

This past Memorial Day weekend I went up to the Oakland area to visit Drew's family.  I am lucky to have such great in-laws and so glad that they are so welcoming of me.  I got to enjoy the long weekend with his mom, dad & sister.  We had some delicious barbecues, played lots of games, went to an A's game, saw a movie, visited with friends, went shopping, and just enjoyed being altogether.  It was such a nice, relaxing weekend.  I really wished it didn't have to end!  And I really wish that every weekend was a three-day weekend.  Things would just be so much better that way.  I guess they could be worse, though, because Drew isn't getting any weekends over there in Afghanistan.  He works seven days a week, every single week.  Poor guy!  

My first baseball game of the season! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This past weekend my gorgeous friend, Jennifer, got married to the man of her dreams.  And I could not be happier for them!  It was an absolutely perfect weekend and she was even more stunning than I could have imagined.  The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a huge success.  It was such a fun party and we all danced the night away! Those lucky ducks are now in Fiji enjoying each other and the beauty of the tropics.  Here are some highlights from the weekend...sadly, I didn't capture Jonathan in any of the pictures.  But, I promise, he does exist!

Getting our hair done

The blushing bride
Makeup time! 

Mother of the bride
Kristen ties the best bows...

The gorgeous Savant family
Of course they rode in a Rolls Royce, didn't you read the title of this post?!
The beautiful centerpieces
That's right, those are monogrammed croutons - JJ 
sorbet palette cleanser - delicious!
Miles dancing with his dad
Blood sisters!
Kristen's angry face because women aren't allowed in
that "boys club" room behind her - how rude!
Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Taylor!  We love you so much and wish you every happiness in the world.  May God bless your marriage abundantly.  xoxo  Oh, and thanks so much for letting me be a part of it all.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jake the Snake

Oh man!  I have been so behind on my blogging this month.  I don't know where May has gone!  I think that I've just been up to so much fun stuff that the days are just flying by.

My little brother, Jake, came home from the 6-13 for a visit from North Carolina.  Dad & I really miss him and his wife.  It's sad having them all the way over on the other coast.  But, thankfully we have airplanes and he was able to make the journey over to the West Coast.  We had a great time brunching with his in-laws (we consider them family too!) in Laguna Beach, hiking in Eaton Canyon, eating at all of Jake's favorite California restaurants, playing tons of games, watching lots of NBA playoff games and all being together to celebrate Grandma and our mom on Mother's Day.  It was such a wonderful time and we were sad to see him go.  But he had to get back to the East Coast to start his high-powered summer associate job in Washington, D.C.  I'm so proud of my little brother and in total awe of the man he has become.  I look up to him!  Love you lots, Jake.


Brunch with the Sperbers
Happy Mother's Day, Mom - we miss you
I have such a sweet husband
Also, lastly, cute blog alert!  This blog is so cute in fact, that the word is in its title.  It's a sweet little blog that documents the things that make me and two of my bestest friends (aka, blood sisters) happy.  You can read it here if you're so inclined:  HappyCuteLove  Hope you love it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Two years

by Anonymous

Of stepping on the shore
And finding it Heaven; 

Of taking hold of a hand
And finding it God's hand; 

Of breathing a new air
And finding it celestial air; 

Of feeling invigorated 
And finding it immortality;

Of passing from storm and tempest
To an unknown calm;

Of waking - and finding you're home!

Two years ago today my mom went home.  I found this poem in her desk and know she believed it with every ounce of her being.  Mom, you're home!  I still miss her everyday, but find such joy in knowing that she is enjoying eternity in Heaven.  This poem truly gives me so much hope - thanks for the reminder, Mom.  I love you.