Monday, July 16, 2012

Did Somebody Say Fiesta?!

Since Friday (the 13th) marked my last birthday as a twenty-something, I decided to celebrate in style.  Mexican style, that is.  Me and two of my dearest friends, Lindsay and Sarah, went down to Cabo for the week.  The three of us took a trip to Cabo after we graduated college, which was 7 years ago!!  I know, we're so old.  It was definitely a different trip this time - a lot less glitter tank tops, dancing and looking for trouble.  A lot more spa treatments, card games, reading and relaxing poolside.  But the same amount of laughs, chats and just enjoying being together.  It was a wonderful week!  Wish I could have stayed down there longer!!

The gorgeous view from our balcony

Getting golf-carted around our resort - flying first class
Lindsay and I decided to take a Cabo Adventure and ride some camels.  Yes, you read that right, I said that we rode camels in Mexico!  Camels are definitely not indigenous to Mexico.  In fact, the camels that we rode came from Texas.  Our adventure package included a nature walk, a camel ride, tortilla making, a delicious Mexican lunch and tequila tasting.  It was definitely an adventure!  I have to say that it was pretty awesome to ride a camel while looking out at the Pacific Ocean.  Not many people can say they've done that...

Our luxury ride
Our camel was named Slim - pretty cute, huh?  Him, not us.

Other than the camel ride, we only ventured out of our hotel one evening.  We really are old ladies!  We went to one of the resorts associated with our hotel for a Mexican Fiesta.  There was a delicious buffet with especially amazing desserts (somebody who will remain nameless ate 6 desserts single-handedly!), dancing and a gorgeous view for our dining pleasure.

My girls

Here's to our Cabo trip in another 7 years, girls.  Love you! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy First of July!

I love the month of July!  First and foremost, it's my birthday month.  Second, I really like the Fourth of July holiday for some reason.  It always makes me so proud to be an American (slightly cheesy, I know, and I hope some of you were singing the rest of the song in your head with me) and so proud of my hubby and all the others like him that are serving our country.  Also, let's be honest, I really like the food associated with holidays and there's nothing like some tasty barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon.  Can't wait!  Also, July always makes me really feel like it's summer.  So, summer is here!  Yay!

This past weekend my wonderful sister-in-law, Angela, came to California for a whirlwind trip.  We managed to get so much done in such a short period of time.  We worked on cleaning out the hutch in my parent's dining room that was full of a lot of stuff.  For those of you that don't know, my mom collected salt and pepper shakers.  She had SO many - 76 sets in total!  We each kept a few of them, but also gave quite a few away.  She had so many cute and fun ones.  I kept a Christmas/Coke one that has Santa and a little dog standing by a fireplace, an set of elephants standing under a tree and a pair of London guards that Drew had brought back for my mom.  I'm really happy about the ones that I kept.  It was sad to go through all of her stuff and donate a lot of it; in fact, we actually dropped off some dishes at Goodwill and then I started crying on the way back home so we turned around and took some back.  At least they didn't make me buy them back!  I was so thankful that Angela was here to help me with this task.  I couldn't have done it without her.  Love you, sissy!