As most of you know, my life is in a bit of limbo at the moment. I'm currently living at my dad's house on the weekends and down in Fountain Valley during the week with my wonderful friend Beckie's parents. I am so blessed that two separate families are willing to put up with me and let me stay with them, but it does make things a bit difficult. As a consequence of moving back and forth every few days, I keep a LOT of stuff in my car. I didn't realize quite how much I really live out of my car until today when I switched cars with my Dad. And when I say switched cars with my Dad, I really mean that he was nice enough to take my car in to get an oil change and let me drive his to work for the day. On the way to work I realized that I forgot my keycard for work in my car so I couldn't get in and out of the parking lot easily - not a biggie. During the day I realized that I forgot my flip flops in my other car that I wear into/out of spinning class. Still, not a huge deal. Then, as I was driving to spinning class after work I realized that I completely forgot all of my work-out clothes at home. I usually keep all my spinning supplies in my car, but had taken them out, planned ahead and packed them up the night before. And then I left the house without them! I felt like such a dummy! Oh well.
In other news, I've still been keeping very busy. I was up in San Jose this past weekend for my dear friend Lindsay's brother's wedding, I went to my first Dodgers game of the season on Monday night, and I'm off tomorrow for Davis for my cousin's graduation. Here are some pics from my last few adventures:
Rehearsal dinner with my two beautiful besties |
Linds and her new sister-in-law |
Sarah gave me curly hair! |
My first Dodgers' dog of the season - it was WAY overdue!! And, oh, so delicious!
The law school gang |